Our proven process for sustainable change is evident in all of our services. With our 3A Framework, we build a relationship with our clients. Our services include training, certifications, workshops, and organizational transformation. Our implementation and process are most impactful in areas of behavioral wellness, strategic organizational growth, and restorative practices!
Behavioral Wellness
Behavioral health refers to how our daily cognitive habits (thinking) affect our overall well-being, emotions, biology, and behavior. It is actually a far more expansive term than mental wellness. It incorporates not just our mental wellness but the way our thoughts play out in real life. It involves the occupational, financial, emotional, physical, spiritual, environmental, social, and mental aspects of living.

- Trauma Awareness
- Self-compassion
- Empathetic Stress

Strategic Growth
Strategic growth combines behavioral health and formalized project risk management. The connection between behaviors and the health and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit are analyzed for risk indicators. Risk management is preparation for possible events in advance rather than responding as they happen. Time–advanced planning – enables practitioners to identify alternative action plans and select those most consistent with identified values.
- Organizational Culture Shift
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility
- Conflict as Property
- Intrapersonal, Interpersonal Development
Restorative Practices
Restorative practice seeks to repair relationships. Restorative practice is a strategy that seeks to repair relationships that have been damaged, including those damaged through bullying. It does this by bringing about a sense of remorse and restorative action on the part of the offender and forgiveness by the victim.

- Circle Training
- Fair Process
- Nine Affects & The Compass of Shame
- Relational Care Ladder

“Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress.”
Training & Certification
- DEIBA – diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and accessibility
- Credible Messenger
- Anti-bullying
- Social-emotional Leadership
- Restorative Circle Keeper
Workshops & Retreats
- Behavioral Wellness
- Trauma-informed Communities (schools, churches, organizations)
- Trauma in communities of faith
- DEIBA – diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, accessibility
- Culture as Currency
- Using Circles to Change Culture
- Social-emotional Leadership
- Organizational Health
- 4C’s of An Inclusive Community
Organizational Culture & Change
- CYO – Community Youth Organization Anti-bullying program
- Restorative Practices – impacting the social determinates of health
- PSST – Mental Wellness promotion, services, support & training
- DEIBA – diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, & accessibility
- The Health of an Organization
- Understanding the Pragmatic Framework
- Self-care
- Certified Health & Wellness
- Small school Administration
- Leadership